All my life I have lived without a goal. Well, ok, I have had goals, but none were as critical as the one now. When you have a clear goal, things come into perspective. It forces you to come out of your shell and break away from the comforts and conveniences.
So, what is that goal? Quite simply – to move out of my parent’s house and move to Phuket.
Easier said than done though. Ever since I lost my high-paying job in 2018, I’ve had a hard time getting one since. Then when I was finally close to getting one in Krabi, COVID shattered my dreams.
I worked on a few businesses too, which I had to stop because of the pandemic as well.
For the past 1.5 years, I’ve been surviving on a few freelance projects, brand sponsorships, collaborations and a sort of “work allowance” from my dad.
That all needs to change…NOW! I have decided enough is enough. Job hunts are always there but I don’t want to waste my time filling out applications, so I am going to refocus on investing in multiple revenue streams.
I am looking at achieving the comfortable financial freedom that allows me to travel and make money from anywhere.
Here’s an idea of what I am planning to do.
Why Phuket?
The better question is why not? Phuket is a beautiful island that has everything I am looking for – beaches, adventures, jungle hikes, and a city life.
Also, I used to think Phuket is super expensive but after visiting 4 times in the past 12 months, I realized it is not that expensive.
Lots of things are getting cheaper – accommodations, eating out, and even partying. The only thing that is still expensive are the taxis. No worries, because I have a car.
I just love Phuket and it is time for a change.
Failing to plan is planning to fail
Planning on how I will find projects and make money is just as important as actually doing it. In fact, without planning, it is easy to forget your goals.
One of the ways I am planning my financial (and lifestyle) future is by using this simple but neat online financial calculator. It has 6 main categories and each one has over a dozen detailed calculators for specific financial planning.
In my case, I am most interested in investment, savings, and earnings calculators. Right at this moment, I have five of them opened simultaneously and plan on using them all in the coming months.
To give you an idea, here is a screenshot of my savings goal calculator.

While it is easy math that can be done without these calculators, there are some features on this website that take away some of the futile calculations.
Surprisingly, the website also has two health calculators. One for weight loss and the other for quitting smoking. The smoking one even gives you a monetary result of how much money you would save by quitting. You could technically swap cigarettes for anything else. That is fantastic.
I also recently made an account with Asana to organize and manage my projects.
All this will really help keep track of my goals.
Trading and investing
One of the things I really want to get into is learning about cryptocurrency and start trading as a side income. It never interested me until literally a few days ago.
I will be sharing my journey and experience on the blog. Since it has only been a few days, I haven’t done a lot of research but that will change starting now.
Learn – sign up for an account – learn some more – invest – continue learning. Maybe take a course. That is the plan.
I might get into stocks and investing as well…but one thing at time.
More (but better) paid brand sponsorships
This is something I already do. I have done a lot of partnerships and collaborations with brands. Some have been paid work while most were barter exchange. Going forward, I will focus on doing more of the former.
It is also important to say no to projects that either derail my focus or do not pay well. Time is much too valuable.
I will mostly be looking at work where I get to write, edit or create interesting content. In addition, I’ve signed up at various portals where brands get connected with content creators like myself.
If I move to Phuket, I hope to get a lot of brand sponsorships, because, in Bangkok, the opportunities are decreasing. My friend who is in Phuket right now actually gave me a glimmer of hope as he has lined up a ton of projects there.
Better freelance projects
After spending far too much [wasted] time on Upwork, I have decided to be more laser-focused with freelance projects. I prefer to reach out to people directly or be referred to companies for projects rather than spending hours trying to pitch to unknown parties on silly projects for ridiculous compensation.
Hopefully, websites like Ko-fi where I provide freelance will help. The website takes no commission or fee, which is great! I am going to spend quite some time fine-tuning my profile, creating a brand, and market myself better.
The type of work I do, it doesn’t matter if I move to Phuket or not.
I can’t wait to make this happen. I am going to make it happen. A move to Phuket is imminent. See you there!
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