Personal style, events, and everyday life

Travel Massive Kickoff Event for TBEX

When my good friend and Twitter superstar, Scott Eddy invited me to the Travel Massive party heading into the Travel Bloggers Exchange conference in Bangkok, I was manifested with a rush of emotions. First came [...]

By | October 15th, 2015|Categories: Events|Tags: |2 Comments

Launch of BeatGarden at LIVE RCA

So for weeks I had been seeing posts on Facebook about a launch party of a new beer garden in Bangkok. This one was set to open in RCA (Royal City Avenue), a prominent street, [...]

By | October 6th, 2015|Categories: Events|Tags: |0 Comments

Interview with Seek Magazine Founder

Even though we are always on the lookout for adventures, places to eat and new things to try out, we also like to get involved in as much charity or volunteer work as we can [...]

By | October 4th, 2015|Categories: Events|Tags: , |0 Comments