As much as I have a huge passion for travel and food, I also enjoy attending events. Everything from launch parties to music festivals, I will probably be there to experience it and share it with you guys.


5 incredible things to do during Songkran in Bangkok

Whether you have been living in Thailand for 20+ years like us or it's your first time coming through this amazing country, Songkran is one of the most exciting festival to experience. It celebrates the [...]

By | March 29th, 2016|Categories: Events, Thailand, Travel|Tags: , , |23 Comments

Take That in Bangkok – A Singha VIP Experience

It has been almost a year since we have been to a concert and if you knew us back then, we LOVE attending events and concerts. So when I got an opportunity to cover the [...]

By | March 7th, 2016|Categories: Events|1 Comment

Heritage Race Comes to Bangkok

A while back, and for the life of me I can't remember how, I came across this event that was coming to Bangkok - the heritage race. It sounded interesting...maybe because it sounded like the Amazing Race, [...]

By | November 30th, 2015|Categories: Events, Thailand, Travel|0 Comments

Seek Magazine Launch Party & Charity Event

A while ago, I interviewed Becky Horace, a co-founder of Seek Magazine in anticipation for the company launch and charity event. Well, it was finally time and on November 7th, I attended the event. Kanika was [...]

By | November 9th, 2015|Categories: Events|Tags: , |0 Comments

Travel Massive Kickoff Event for TBEX

When my good friend and Twitter superstar, Scott Eddy invited me to the Travel Massive party heading into the Travel Bloggers Exchange conference in Bangkok, I was manifested with a rush of emotions. First came [...]

By | October 15th, 2015|Categories: Events|Tags: |2 Comments

Launch of BeatGarden at LIVE RCA

So for weeks I had been seeing posts on Facebook about a launch party of a new beer garden in Bangkok. This one was set to open in RCA (Royal City Avenue), a prominent street, [...]

By | October 6th, 2015|Categories: Events|Tags: |0 Comments