

Bangkok APPEAR Project – Sustainable Tourism

By | August 31st, 2016|Events, Thailand, Travel|

On 30th August, we were invited to represent Travel Massive at a major travel-related media event called APPEAR project that would change the way tourism and [...]

Favorite Thailand Destinations via Instagram

By | August 26th, 2016|Thailand, Travel|

Living in Bangkok all our life, we've come to realize we haven't really explored much of Thailand. I mean seriously, it seems that tourists and [...]

Pokemon Go Guide for Travel and Exploring

By | August 8th, 2016|Apps & Tech, Travel|

Pokemon Go might just be a game but it is so much more than that if you really think about it. It's a traveler and [...]

Our Travel Packing Style

By | August 4th, 2016|Her, Him, Style and beauty, Travel|

When it comes to packing for travel, we aren't backpackers but we also aren't those people who pack 3-4 suitcases for a 1-week trip. Our [...]

Sri Lanka, we Love you! Part II

By | August 1st, 2016|Sri Lanka, Travel|

After an adventurous and cultural first few days in Sri Lanka, we were ready to start the next leg of our trip. This is part [...]

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