

About Shayan

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So far Shayan has created 258 blog entries.

Siam Songkran Music Festival

By | April 23rd, 2019|Events, Thailand|

Songkran is a great time to be in Thailand. We actually prefer to stay in the country during this holiday, which is the Thai New [...]

2 music festivals in Songkran

By | March 26th, 2019|Events, Thailand|

Songkran, the water festival is just around the corner. It's the time when locals make merit, visit their families and partake in traditional activities. Over [...]

Model Market Bangkok

By | March 6th, 2019|Eats and Drinks, Events|

Model Market? Upcycle? An oasis? What is all this mumbo-jumbo and string of buzz words? Just like you, we were wondering the same thing when [...]

Panorama – Koh Mak and Koh Chang

By | February 6th, 2019|panorama, Thailand, Travel|

After taking quite a few panoramic shots from our trips, we decided we need to make it a thing on our blog. In this part [...]

2 nights in Koh Mak

By | January 29th, 2019|Thailand, Travel|

Relatively untouched but easily explored, Koh Mak had always been an island that was in the back of our head. Well ever since we heard [...]

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